Speak, Learn, Connect

Why LingSwap?

Speak with real people

Every session on LingSwap connects you with a native speaker so you always learn from a local.

Purposeful Practice

Each practice session is well designed with specific goals and will get you trying something new and pushing past barriers.

Meaningful Feedback

After each session you will receive meaningful feedback that will allow your abilities to grow.

Data and Statistics

Learn exactly the extent of your ability and use that data to customize your future learning.

Language Learning Reimagined

Probably the most immersive language learning platform on the market with huge amounts of content






Hours of Learning


Languages available

An Immersive Experience

Captivating storylines

A gritty detective, cold war spys or competitive sport? Learn a language while playing a character in one of many captivating stories we have.

Games, Puzzles and Role Plays

A game of poker, Charades, Guess Who - use our games, puzzles, and role-plays to make language learning fun.

Interactive learning tools

Our technology can give you hints and tips during live sessions as well as positive feedback when you're on fire.

Reviews from our passionate learners

What an amazing innovative app, my Italian has become amazing

Marc Jones (UK)

OMG, I am completly addicted, my friends can't belive how good my French is now

Joe Fischer (USA)

The data and stats are amazing, I could instantly see what I needed to work on to become fluent

Joao Felix Fischer (Portugese)

Start learning today